ZK LESS Syntax Notes
This article is out of date, please refer to ZK Developer's Reference ...Theme Template for more up to date information.
Be aware of using control-flow tags like <c:if>
If you are using control-flow tags like <c:if> in your ZK-Less files, you have to be really care with the situations like below:
.z-selector {
border-left-color: @border;
<c:if test="${zk.ie == 8}">
border-left-color: @border4IE8;
If @border and @border4IE8 happens to be the same, Less will optimize them and only keep the last expression while compiling. Therefore, the above Less expression is equivalent to the following:
.z-selector {
// removed by less
<c:if test="${zk.ie == 8}">
border-left-color: red;
So, to be safe, please change the order of your Less expressions like this:
.z-selector {
<c:if test="${zk.ie == 8}">
border-left-color: @border4IE8;
border-left-color: @border;
Here, when @border and @border4IE8 are the same, the compiled CSS looks like:
.z-selector {
<c:if test="${zk.ie == 8}">
border-left-color: red;
and if they are different, the result is:
.z-selector {
<c:if test="${zk.ie == 8}">
border-left-color: red;
border-left-color: rgba(rr,gg,bb,aa); // IE8 will ignore this
Remember to always place your control-flow tags first to avoid any possible errors like the example showed.
Version History
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